Knitting and Nashty-ness

Dobri Dyen, Druzya!  

For the last 6 years, my mother and I have gathered with our other "often inebriated" friends and have journeyed to the drunkard's holy land.....AKA Nashville.  We go each year on a girls' trip of epic proportions to let loose, dance our asses off, and try to remain out of prison.  While each year we have left behind our pride, dignity, clothing, money, and bodily fluids, we've yet to leave a woman behind.  This year was no different and we had a hella good time at our new favorite bar, Nudies.  

Nudies was a surprise for us this year.  None of us could remember walking by it in years past (not that shocking when you understand how much alcohol we consume), but it is right on Broadway so we should have seen it before.  Nevertheless, at 10AM on day 1, myself and my best drinking gals entered Nudies and we rarely left for the next 3 days after hearing THE BAND.  Seriously, this band rocked EVERY. DAMN. SONG.  Old country, new country, Dwight Yoakam and David Allen Coe, Florida Georgia Line and Jason Aldean, they played it all and it was all amazing.  If you are ever in Nashville, make sure to seek out the Jarett McAllister Band.  And if you see my fiddle player, give him ALL my love.  

Best Fiddle Player OF ALL TIME.  The Jarett McAllister Band is the shit.  

In addition to stumbling up and down Broadway, we took a party bus so that we could basically flash bystanders and scream-sing at the top of our lungs on a moving vehicle.  It went about as well as you'd expect.  The girls and I were modeling a few of my Rows and Rosé creations and they ended up a bit.........bourbony.  Thank God for my Soak wash from Knit Picks.  It got the smell, color, and slight stickiness right out!  Unfortunately the Soak Wash was unable to cleanse away the sight of the drunken T and A coming from the party bus.  But, all in all I don't think Nashville minded too terribly much.  


I was able to get some knitting done in between rounds of shots and poor decisions.  While in Nashville (and also in Sedona and NYC), I worked on the Missoula Made Dress by Taylor of Knitorious Knits.  I wanted to finish it during my stay in Nashville, but the call of bourbon and cheap beer was too much for my weak self to resist.  I finished it a day or two later and I have to urge all you knitters reading this- GO BUY THIS AWESOME PATTERN.  For as fabulous as this dress looks upon finishing, it's easy peasy to knit.  And a lot of it is just knitting stockinette in the round.  You can easily do this while watching your favorite TV shows, walking around Central Park (like I did), or whilst mostly intoxicated without fear of messing up.  I plan on making another one for New Year's Eve or for my birthday (January 14th.  I like everything sparkles and yarn.  You're welcome.).  

Don't worry.  She was fine.  And we fixed it.  Can't even tell it happened!  

Don't worry.  She was fine.  And we fixed it.  Can't even tell it happened!  

There was a slight incident at the Air BnB that required plaster, paint, and constant checking to ensure no concussions, but we'll call that a win in light of past years.  My Hangover Scrunchie did make an appearance once or twice, but all in all, it was another unforgettable girls' trip which will be repeated next year and the following, ad nauseum (literal nausea.).  

Now that I'm back at home with no plans to travel until Christmas, I'm working on some custom orders for the holiday season as well as a few new items I'll be adding to Rows and Rosé on December 1st.  I'm also working up my first hat pattern and I'll be searching for pattern testers soon (if you're interested, let me know on instagram @rowsandrose).  

Hope you all didn't get too shwasted on Thanksgiving Eve and are ready to cheers to the Christmas and Holiday Season!!!!!!!!  




Test Knitting!!!


Weddings, Whiskey, and WIPs: How I've spent the last 2 weeks + a recipe for a Walnut Infused Old Fashioned