Test Knitting!!!

Hola Amigos!!!!!

Long time, no chat! I've been very MIA from the blog (hello 2019!) due to lots of travel, friends and family visiting, general debauchery and drinking to excess, lots of new patterns and work on my shop Rows and Rosé, and a general attitude of laziness toward writing ;)

But!! I wanted to get some thoughts down as I have begun a new and amazing adventure that is helping me to gain confidence in advanced knit and crochet techniques and in pattern design. It'sssssss Test Knitting!!!! Test Knitting (or Test Crocheting or Pattern Testing) is where pattern designers create a design, knit or crochet their sample, grade the pattern for multiple sizes, type up their pattern, and then call for testers to see if those sizes fit/the pattern is understandable, knit/crochet friendly, and error free. There are so many fabulous and creative designers out there and I've been lucky enough to be selected to test several designs over the past few months.

What are the perks of being a test knitter? Well, you get to participate in the AWESOME maker community by supporting other knit and crochet designers and being part of a team that will ultimately lead to a kick-ass pattern. Also? The designer usually gives you the pattern for free, you get to keep the garment you designed, and you gain exposure by showcasing your work and tagging the designer who usually also promotes your pics/work through their own instagram or other social media.

Why have I chosen to test knit? Well, I really want to get into pattern design myself. I have a lot of (what I think are) cool ideas, but I lack the confidence and some of the "know how" to design my own patterns. I thought that by joining the test knitting teams and learning the process it could help me learn some of the ins and outs of pattern design. And I was right!!! I have learned so much through test knitting these last several months and..............I may have kind of designed my first top EVER. But more on that later!!!!

The designers that I have pattern tested for have been absolutely PHENOMENAL. It's been really cool just to chat with these girls and help make their designs come to life. It can be difficult to get selected, but I've really lucked out and have been honored to test for Jane of @gorillaknits, Taylor of @knitoriousknits, Chantal of @knitatude, Heather of @cozycreativecrochets, Emily of @littlebird_biglife, and Morgan of @morthunder. Each of these ladies is so talented and it was an honor to help test their patterns. Check out these fab outfits that are now part of my handmade wardrobe (and go check out these ladies on instagram!!!) :) :) :)


The Peplum Top by Morthunder


The Victoria Top by Little Bird Big Life


The Goddess Bralette by Cozy Creative Crochets

The Cozy Celtic Raglan by Knitatude


The Missoula Made Dress by Knitorious Knits


The Beverly Knit Set by Gorilla Knits

Now that I'm feeling more confident and knowledgeable, I have begun (and mostly finished) work on my first pattern design!!!! It's inspired by my love of all things Florida (beach, palm trees, drinking) and I'm really, REALLY excited to show it to you guys. I'm going to be posting more about it once I get some pics (on the beach, duh!) and wrestle my anxiety down from DEFCON 1 (I'll be posting about my anxiety, too!! Can't get away from that bitch.). Then I'll move on to writing up the pattern and I'll be calling for my own testers!!! So keep your eyes peeled here on the blog and on my instagram @rowsandrose .

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed learning more about test knitting, and PLEASE! Go check out these amazing designers. I'm so happy to call them my instafriends :) :) :)

Until next time, muchachos.




Tan and Tipsy in Exuma!


Knitting and Nashty-ness