Mint Juleps - Whiskey and WIPs Wednesday 11/20
Salut mes amis!
Last night's LIVE was a blast!!! Thank you so much to everyone who joined in!!! I got a little tipsy after my second....ok third (rather strong) drink and ended up fucking up my current WIP a little, but nothing that some sober frogging couldn't fix #knitdrunkfrogsober. If you had fun or if you'd like to join in the merriment, come check out my LIVE Whiskey and WIPs Wednesdays on Instagram at 8 pm EST each week.
My New Morning Cocktail
I decided to make a bourbon cocktail.........again, as the hubz and I were out of bourbon and heaven forbid we don't have any in the house. I saw some mint at the grocery store and thought, MINT JULEPS!!!!!!
If you ever wondered where mint juleps originated, I did the work for ya. Mint Juleps are definitely an all American Southern cocktail. Created back in the late 1700s, mint juleps were once prescribed as a remedy for upset tummies and as a general morning tonic. (Sign me up for that, doc!!! ) They have been long associated with the Kentucky Derby and over 120,000 mint juleps are sold during the 2 day event at Churchill Downs.
I had my first mint julep at the Virginia Gold Cup (Virginia's version of the Kentucky Derby) and I was hooked. It's very strong, not too sweet, and incredibly refreshing. Traditionally made with bourbon, sugar, water, mint, and lots of crushed ice, I decided to try my hand at making my own version. I tried getting a lil fancy on ya'll and made my own mint syrup which, gotta say, turned out rather bomb.
To make my mint julep recipe, you'll need: LOTS of mint, a 90+ proof bourbon, sugar, water, and crushed ice.
You want your bourbon to be at least 90 proof because with all the ice you're adding in, you need a bourbon to withstand all the watery-downedness you're going to have (unless you're a fast drinker, in which case, let's be friends).
Start by making your mint simple syrup: combine 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar. Heat and stir until it juuuuuuust starts to bubble and the sugar disappears. Let it simmer for 3-5 minutes, stirring now and then. Now, take it off heat and add a shit ton of mint. Keep a few sprigs to garnish your drink, but put the rest in the pot and give it a stir. Let the leaves steep for 15 minutes and then refrigerate until cold. Done!
Now that you have your syrup, muddle about an ounce (more if you like your drinks sweet) with a few mint leaves. Fill the glass with crushed ice, then 1-2 ounces of bourbon. Top with water and your mint garnish and give her a twirl in the cup to stir it up. Sit back and enjoy!
I hope you enjoy this one as much as the hubz and I do. I doubt we'll have any mint or syrup left after a few days.
Ok, on to WIPs!!!
Last night I showed 2 new FOs: My Pointsettia sock that I tested for the wonderful Rachael of Mavencrafted and my own version of the vulva pins by Crystal of Not Your Nana's Yarnwork that I'm lovingly going to call "Coochie Cutie Pins".
The Pointsettia Sock (A on my hand is due to #teacherlife lol)
The Poinsettia Sock
I never really was into socks until a few months ago when I got the itch to knit a pair. I was really intimidated by them (SO little, so tiny, so easy to fuck up) but, I went for it and I regret nothing. Rachael's pattern is very easy to follow. Even if you're like me and have never done a heel flap or kitchener stitch, she made it simple and painless with clear instructions.
Look at that lace!
As I mentioned last week, my gauge was a smidge off, but as I was using the smallest needles I had, I couldn't really alter my gauge. My socks turned out a tiny bit loose but still absolutely great and I can wear them inside of boots without issue. I think they'll get the most use around the house during slightly chilly Florida days. The yarn is by Briana of The Little Wolf Knits in the colorway Beach House and it reminds me of the ocean and beach during winter with all the blues and grays. Anywho, I love them and am REALLY stinking proud of myself. I'm hoooooooping to cast on the second sock (what, you thought I made a pair????) at Christmas once holiday orders are over with.
My second FO is a revamped version of the Coochie Cutie pin I showed you last week. I felt like it needed a bit more flair so I added sparkle yarn to the pubic hair. I also added a crystal bead to the clitoris and I think it's fairly bad ass. I'll have these for sale in my Etsy Shop by the end of next week, so get ready to show your coochie off!!!! These are great for Pride fests, Women's Rights parades, or just your daily 'fuck the patriarchy' piece of flair.
What a cute coochie!
Lastly, I talked about my current WIP, the Containing Multitudes Shawl that I'm testing for Anne Claiborne This pattern is so beautiful and has everything from simple garter stitch to lace work to mosaic knitting. This shawl is really soothing to make and I can't wait to show you guys pics of it. Until then, go check out Anne's Instagram page to see her beautiful purple version.
Before I sign off today, I want to make sure you guys know about 2 amazing Make and Knit Alongs happening during the holidays.
This first is by Molly of Ponder and Ply My girl Molly is a bit crazy and I can't wait to find out if she (and everyone who joins!) is able to whip up a Christmas sweater in 25 days. If you are feeling ambitious and the Christmas crafting spirit is flowing through you, go join her MAL and you could win some fabulous prizes!!!!! Make sure to check out her instagram for all the rules and tag #MollysXmasMAL on all your WIP pics. Molly is hilarious and real and so sweet and if you don't follow her YouTube channel, go subscribe so that you can bear witness to her VLOGMAS special as well!!!!
The second KAL you should know about is with Briana of The Little Wolf Knits (I mentioned her above with the awesome Beach House yarn for the Poinsettia Socks). She's hosting the #selfcarekal and it's so easy to enter! Simply tag pics of any make (knit, crochet, sewing, weaving, bead work, etc) that brings you happiness this holiday season. That's it! You'll be entered to win some fantastic prizes (full list on her Instagram).
Ok ya'll, that's all I've got this week. Hopefully next week I'll have ALL the penises, rainbows, and coochie cuties as the Lazy SaturGAY market is next Saturday, November 30th!!!!!!!!!!!
Hasta luego!!!!