You Poor, Suffering Bastard - Whiskey and WIPS 12/4
All You Need For A Suffering Bastard
Feeling like shite? Have a SUFFERING BASTARD!
Howdy, y'all.
Did you make it through Thanksgiving? In full blown panic, I mean prep mode for Christmas? Samesies, amigos. If you're anything like me, sometimes the holidays can be a weeeeee bit too much fun or just generally overwhelming and you end up with that most awfulest of awfuls- a hangover. Maybe from too many spirits, maybe from too much social interaction, but it hits and it hits HARD. Many hangover cures have been suggested over the years, but I'm inclined to agree with an old school remedy: Hair of the dog that bit ya.
Now disclaimer, this will NOT actually cure your hangover. Sadly, only water, time, prayers, maybe some tylenol (xanax and do you, boo) can actually help. BUT, a lil hair of the dog can make you feel temporarily better and help you to rally if the party must continue!!!! So this week, we are trying out a remedy full of history: The SUFFERING BASTARD.
Now, there are actually 2 versions of the Suffering Bastard. One was created by role model, Trader Vic, and uses rum and fruity loveliness. We shan't be exploring that today (but feel free to give it a go and tell me what you think!). Instead, the "original" Suffering Bastard is bourbon/gin based and got its start in Egypt....... yea, I was excited, too. Back in 1940s Cairo, barkeep Joe Scialom of the Shepheard's Hotel was in search for a hangover cure for allied troops. He created this beauty and much to everyone's shock and delight, the troops loved it! The original version calls for either brandy or bourbon and if you've followed me for any length of time, you can guess which one I'm going with. SO, without further ado.........
The Suffering Bastard
You will need:
~Equal parts gin and bourbon
~Lime Juice
~Ginger beer (or Ginger Ale)
~Orange and Mint to garnish
Into a cocktail shaker with ice, pour about an ounce each of the bourbon and gin, the juice of 1/2 lime, and a few dashes of bitters.
Shake, shake, shake. If you're too hungover for such movements, ask a friend to help.
Pour into a glass with ice and top with roughly 4 oz ginger beer. Garnish with an orange slice and mint.
Drink with hope that this might cure your nausea and headache.
I hope that this drink helps you through the holiday season, and if not, well, we're all fighting that losing battle.
Side note: My absolute favorite podcast of all time (from the mid 2000s) was Tiki Bar TV and the episode they have featuring this drink is absolutely marvelous. Basic premise of the show: There's a tiki bar. Someone arrives with a problem. Dr. Tiki diagnoses and prescribes them a remedy. Johnny Johnny the bartender whips up the "prescription". La La is a gorgeous hot mess and shenanigans always ensue. GO HERE NOW to binge watch all the episodes. They are amazing and I want to BE Dr. Tiki. I would give my left nut for this show to come back and make more episodes. Sigh. Ok.
Now, on to WIPs!!!!!
This week on Instagram, I made my first IG TV video!!!! I'm hoping to start doing some pattern reviews and I started off with an amazing, quick, fun, and easy Christmas gift pattern. The Last Minute Scarf by Tony of TL Yarn Crafts is BEAUTIFUL and only took me about an hour and 20 minutes to make. I've since made 2 (might be making more) and they are warm and cozy and did I mention beautiful????? Check out my Instagram to see the full review and definitely check out Tony's FREE tutorial on her blog to make your own!!!!
My next WIP is a test knit I have been working on and enjoying the everloving hell out of it. It's the Containing Multitudes shawl by Anne Claiborne of Claiborneknits. This shawl is so beautiful and instantly caught my attention while scrolling on the 'Gram. It has a variety of different stitches and techniques from relaxing garter stitch and striping to intricate lace and mosaic color work. I loved Anne's story behind the shawl that it contained a multitude of emotions and experiences, both happy and sad. It's been a really enjoyable knit for me and my first time doing mosaic color work, which may now be my FAVORITE form of color work. I'm so excited to show ya'll what I have so far.
So that's it for tonight, even though I've got about 10 other projects that I'll be starting (and FINISHING) before Christmas. Check back next week for all new WIPs and a new beverage to help you get festive this season.
Oh, and sorry for the lack of pics. I may re-edit this later to include a few photos, but honestly, I've got shit to do and I'm too lazy to get pics right now. LOL.